
Showing posts from January, 2021

Who,What,When,Where and Why?

  At this current point of the project, I am slowly starting to understand what I am doing. Still feeling a little anxious about the final project.  Some questions that are asked are Who? What? When? Where? Why? They provide the general information needed for any topic WHO? Mystery films are generally for young adults who enjoy crime and kidnapping films.    My intended audience is for anyone who enjoys a mystery film with slight comedy. WHAT? My location of filming hasn’t been determined yet. Nae and I might film our opening scene in the streets at night and inside the house. Other films in my genre are generally started off with the main character started off in a crisis or in a regular state.    sources

Opening credits

A t the beginning of a film, you have your opening credits in which you have presented the main characters, crewmate, producers, and more.     As you can see in the Game of Thrones opening credits above, the credits are presented thru camera shots and angles. But the real question is what is the actual purpose of an opening credit?  Opening credits allow for the audience to know who is staring in the movie and who is responsible for different elements that make up the movie. Those included in the opening credits may include but not limited to:  studio/ or distribution company, the production company, directors name film, the actual characters, the title, the top cast, supporting cast, casting director, music composer, production designer, art director, set design, costume designer, hair/ make up artist, sound recording, visual effects supervisor, editor, director of photography, and executive producer.

Introduction to final project

  I n class, we reviewed a couple of film intros and focused on cinematography, mise-en-scene, and convections. We went over a film called "The Girl in the Spider's web" in a youtube video called " How an Opening Scene Tells the Whole Story ", which is a director's commentary. A director's commentary is when a director explains the use of lighting, shots, dialogue, mise-en-scene, and editing and how it contributes to the overall film. We discussed and went over other blogs from other students and reviewed how to write our blogs and what they should contain. I was still perplexed, so I went over 2 other students' blogs for a better understanding. I'm still confused at this point but I'll just have to pull through and do as much as possible.     My group decided that we may do a mysterious movie. Mainly because we can use a lot of different lighting, camera shots, and angles that can add a lot of suspense to our movie. As of right now though we